
Trend in Pro Se Representations Continues, But Have You Heard of Bundling?

In today's paper (I read the San Antonio Express-News), there is an AP snipnet about the growing national trend of folk representing themselves in a variety of matters. (Here's the link if you want to read it.)

Not big news. Robert Shapiro's been on this bandwagon for awhile -- surely you've heard about LegalZoom by now. And, sure, there are others out there. (Check out my post over at Everyday Simplicity discussing these self-help law mills.)

Bundling Legal Services Is News To Me

However, one thing did catch my eye in today's article: this new idea of "bundling." Seems attorneys in some states (haven't heard of this in Texas, though I could be wrong) are narrowing their representations down to only a segment of a case, or transaction.

Say, for example, you file the pleadings but that's it. You don't do the discovery.

Or, you draft the contract or incorporation documents. Nix on the other stuff - like making sure the annual minutes are done correctly.

Interesting. This way, the lawyer does get paid some fees, and the client does get some professional advice, even though it's far from complete.

I Still Vote that You're Gonna Wish You Had Sprung for a Lawyer

Guess something's better than nothing. And, I'm still holding to the old adage -- these folk thinking that they can avoid a lawyer and represent themselves in major life issues like child custody or property distribution after death have fools for a client.

It's an old litigator joke: do it right at the start, and the trial lawyer doesn't have a job. (Trial lawyer chuckles with glee.)